Model Agency Splendide in Berlin
The model agency Splendide Berlin offers you an exciting model portfolio with models from Berlin and nationwide.
If you are looking for new faces or experienced professional models, you have found the right address. As a model agency with attached photo studio in Berlin, we arrange models for all types of advertising. We scout and cast, drawing from the huge supply of strong individualists in Berlin. Whether fashion model, influencer or a complete Berlin family. We have the best models in the city.
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Ask our booking experts
Angela Thiemann, head of booking since 2003
Over 90% of our customers trust the expertise of our bookers.
Because we are familiar with the industry, observe trends and have visions.
We make sure that it is fair for both sides, our customers and our models. This guarantees committed models and satisfied customers and, by the way, also legal certainty. We at the Splendide Model Agency are your partners for everything to do with model booking.
How does the Splendide model agency work?
Splendide has revolutionized model booking. In addition to the two-phase presentation, it is above all our communication structures. We discuss all the details of a booking. Ask the right questions and provide professional support, advice and recommendations. Our aim is to think of everything.
It's economical and you can keep your head free without letting go of the reins.
This is how you gain new opportunities.
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Fashionweek Berlin
Fashionweek Berlin
For more exciting info about models, history and backgrounds visit our entire blog.
Book models - safely and quickly
Fashion Models, Influencers, Actors and Characters - the perfect cast for every application.
For exciting and successful advertising. We provide models, actors, children and seniors who complement each other perfectly.
Book your complete production with us from a single source.
Selected by Splendide.
Splendide model agency - our model pool is unique
Our model portfolio is diverse and lively like the people in Berlin. The capital is the seat of the Splendide model agency. She also inspires us when compiling our model portfolio. The people here are so diverse and different, multicultural, individualistic, the majority of the models we represent are shaped by Berlin. We represent carefully selected actors: models, influencers, actors, performers and strong characters. This makes us the first option for successful advertising.
Splendide Models are professionally hired. They are based on current trends and currents and actively influence them through their external impact, social media activities and blogs.
Browse Polaroids
As a model agency we attach great importance to a practical and economical presentation. Browse our model pool by image pictures or polaroids - according to your needs or personal preference.
3M, 4 Pfoten, 7 for all mankind, Absolut Wodka, Adam Opel AG, Adidas, Adler Modemärkte, African Fashion Day, Agip, Alberotantza & Nova, Aldi, Alles was zählt, AMD, AMI Automesse, Amazon, Amorelie, Anaglyph, Anett Röstel, Anja Gockel, Antonio Morato, Apple, ARD, Aristo Pharma, Armani, Artwizz, Arys, Auctionata, Audi, Babaliss, Bayer AG, Bayrische Landesversicherung, Beef Jerky, Belverdere, Benefit Cosmetics, Benetton, Benny Durrer, BERBerlin Chemie, Berlin Station, Berliner Volksbank, Berlinovo Immobilien, Bild, Bionade, Birkenstock, Blue Monkey Jeans, Blütezeit, Blutsgeschwister, BMW AG, Bobby Kolade, Bonprix, Bosch, Bread & butter, Brille 24, BugattiBundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Burger King, Butterlindner, BZ, C&A, Campanda, Canada Goose, Canon, Card Process, Caritas, Cartier, Chanel 21, Chantré, Charlotte von dem Bussche, Cleo App, Clinton, Coca Cola, Colomer, Conquistador, Christ, DB Mobility Logistics AG, DDR Museum, Deezer, DefShop, Deichmann, Denny K, Department 47, Designer for Tomorrow, Desperados, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Welle, DGM, Die Draufgänger, Dinamix, Dior, Dockers, Don Vanquisher, doop Group AG, Douglas, Dr. Hauschka, DRA, Drees & Sommer, Drive Now, Drunknmunky, Dual Sanitaly, DUNI AB, DUO, Ebay, eject, Ewa Herzog, F.A.K. Trade, Ferrero, Fielmann, Flippa K, Focus (Magazin), Ford, G-Star, Ganier, Gerhard D. Wempe KG, GESO BAU, Gewobag, Glamour, Glööckler, Goldfischli, Gazia, Green Showroom, Grundy Ufa, Guess, Guido Maria Kretschmer, Gussek Haus, Guten Morgen Deutschland, GZSZ, H&V Entertainment, H|MAG, Hach KG, HairExpress, Hakro Fashion, Hama, Handelsblatt GmbH, Hannah Neundörfer, Hannspree Europe, Hanro, Hans Ubbink, HD+, Heidi Klum (intimates), Helios Kliniken, Hey Holiday, Heymann Moden, Hi!, HOWL, Hugo Boss AG, Hugo Boss Parfum, Humans, Hunkemöller, I.K. Hofmann GmbH, IAA, Ian Stuart, ICADE, INFINITI, Innogy, Intercoiffure, Internaxx, Investitionsbank Berlin, ITB, J.Brand, Jakun Media, Jale Richert, Jaxin, JbL, Jogurette, Johny Dar, JOICO Europe, Josephs Toiletries, Joshua Satellite, Justice, Kaliko, Karl Lagerfeld, Karstadt-Quelle, Katharina Hovman, Katjes, Kauffeld & Jahn, KaviarGauche, Kayak, Klingel Versand, KMS, Kombinat Kollektion, KPT, Richard Kravetz, KUJTA & MERI, Kupi VIP, Kyra Eberth, LA Senk, Laif, Laima Chenkell, Lala Berlin, Lana Müller, Lavera, Lawinenstift GmbH, Lea Strunk, Lechuza, Lena Hoschek, Lena Malinsky, les hommes, Levi's, LG, Licefa, Liebeskind, Lilienthal, Lindner, Linie International, Lipton, Lisk, Lohmüller, Londonedge, Loox Sports GmbH, L'Oréal, L'Olréal - Maybelline, Loteria Nacional, Lotto, Love Circus, LTB, Lufthansa, Lummerland, LWT, Lydia Lavin, Lyon Toursim, M.A.C. Cosmetics, Mach's mit, Macromedia, Madam Lili, Maggie, Manal Fashion, Manuel Miltner, Marie Jo, Mariala Montiel, Marina Hörmanseder, Marios Schwab, Marni, MAN, Maroccanische Botschaft, Mary Oh, Massdrei, Max Herre, Maybebop, MBCI, Mc Donalds, Mc Fit Fitness GmbH, Media Markt, Medion AG, Meggens, Maike Willner, Meister Werke Schulte GmbH, Mercedes Benz, Merz, MEWA, Michalsky, Miles and More, Minx Mode GmbH, Miu Miu, Mobilcom-Debitel, Moet & Guerlain, Moniz, mooi Berlin GbR, Mr. Green, MTS Systems GmbH, MTV, Müritz Therme, Mutter und Vater GmbH, MX-Life.TV, my sauna GmbH, My Marini, MyMüsli, Napapijri, Natalya Goldbach, NEO S NYF, Nestea,Nerbrands, Netto OHG, Neurometrix, Next ID GmbH, Nike, Nikita, Nikon, Ningbo Mayflower Optoelectronics Co. Ltd., Nome Proprio, Nutrilon, NZA, O2, Odeur, Österreich, Olav Bakstad Mode, Olsenfashion, Omega, One Advertising AG, Onmyskin, Opel, Optix, OREO, Otto, Oui, Outstanding Fashion GmbH, OZ Verlag, p2i, Panasonic, Parker AG, Paschen & Companie GmbH & Co. KG, Paulmann Licht GmbH, PayPal, Pech und Schwefel, Peek & Cloppenburg, Penta Design, Pfizer, Phard, Philips, Phonak, Pirelli, Pisidia, Planasa, Polyphon, Pompöös Cosmetics, Porsche AG, Prosche Design, Port International, Portal für spirituelle Lebensplanung, Pret à Louer, Prinz Deutschland, Pro 7, Iron Sky, Jerry Cotton, Prospan, Puma, Puro Sky Lounge, PvR Uni-Kleidung GmbH, PVS Verband, q-bus, QIXXIT, QVC, R&V Versicherung, Raffaello, Ramona Wiesener, Raphael Hauser, Rapido, Raw Resolution Berlin, real estate company, Rebekka Ruézt, Rebell Couture, RED, Red Carpet, Regis Corporation, Rene Furterer, Retterspitz, REWE, Richard Kravetz, Rike Feurstein, Rip Curl Germany GmbH, Robert Lindner GmbH & Co. KG, Robert Lobetta, Rotmain Center, RTL, RWE, S. Oliver, Sacrosso, Sal Y Limon, Salsa Jeans, Salt Berlin, Samsung, Sandra Abigail Fernandez, Sassoon, Sat 1, Saudi Arabische Botschaft, Shaky and Jones, Scherpenhuizen B.V., Schiller, Scholl Akiko, Schrenk & Schrenk, Schützmedicom, Schwarzkopf, Scotch & Soda, SDP, Seawing GbR, Sebastian Ellrich UG, Secret Closet, seefashion15, Selva Shoes, Set, Sexyhair GmbH, Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority, Siemens, Silvian Heach, siraj sanad fashion, Skoda, SLY007, Smart, Società Agricola Mioorto S.r.l., Soho House, Solar Silver Summit GmbH, Spandauer Arkaden, Sparkasse Finanzportal GmbH, Männerhort, Splashapp, Sportalm, Spree PR, Stampe & Sonner, Stella Luna, Stern, Stilgeflüster, Stink Shanghai, Strick Zella, Subdued, SUVA, Swiss Air, Tamaris, The Smart DresserTom Tailor, Unilever, Wer liefert was, Würth, Zalando ...
Our Modelbooking Team
Invitation into Splendide model agency
As a model agency, it is important to us to capture your ideas exactly to make you the best possible offer. We would like to get to know you personally.
Call us and arrange a visit to our beautiful rooms near Alexanderplatz in Berlin Mitte.
We are looking forward to meeting you.